8-Month Certificate

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Opening a new membership? Unlock an exclusive offer with our new 8-month certificate!

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8-Month Certificate 4.75% APY*

Minimum opening balance of $10,000

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8-month 4.75% coupon               8-month 4.75% coupon

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  • Must show coupon in branch to redeem. Non-Transferable

  • *Annual Percentage Yield (APY) at 4.75% on 8-Month Certificate for the $10,000+ tier.
    Rate effective 10/01/24 and is subject to change without notice. The APY assumes that all interest remains on deposit until maturity. Withdrawals and fees could reduce earnings. At maturity, the certificate will automatically renew for a term of 6 months at the prevailing rate. Not valid with any other offer.
    Must be a member. Other restrictions apply.

  • NCUA

    This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration.

  • This offer is only available during new membership opening.