Clearing School Lunch Debt at Northern Middle

check presentation picture at northern middle

Patriot alleviated the burden of overdue school lunch balances at Northern Middle School in Hagerstown. With a $4,000 donation, we’ve wiped away the outstanding debts, ensuring that no student at the school will face lunch shaming or financial stress due to unpaid balances.

For many families, managing school lunch expenses can become a challenging task, especially during times of financial strain. The accumulation of overdue balances can place undue pressure on both parents and students, impacting their ability to focus on education without worrying about basic needs like a nutritious meal.

Recognizing this need within our community, Patriot took proactive steps to make a significant difference. By donating funds to cover the outstanding balances, we’ve not only relieved immediate financial strain but also demonstrated a profound commitment to supporting the educational well-being of local students.

The impact of this donation extends far beyond the financial realm. By eliminating overdue balances, Patriot has fostered an environment of inclusivity and support within Northern Middle School. Students can now enjoy their lunches without fear of embarrassment or stigma, fostering a more positive and nurturing school environment.

Furthermore, this act of generosity serves as an example of corporate social responsibility and community engagement. Patriot’s dedication to giving back highlights the power of businesses to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

Let us also be reminded of the importance of compassion and solidarity within our communities. By coming together and supporting one another, we can create a brighter future for all, where every student has the opportunity to thrive without the burden of financial hardship.


  • This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration.

  • Equal Housing Lender

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